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Church Vision

Doctrines and Statements
Church Vision
Direction of the Church Work and Development

Church is a School to grow disciples.

Relationship with God

1. Preaching the Word of God.
а) available presentation

b) preaching things interesting for people today

c) determining eternal values through the Word of God

d) forming basics, not liquid the fire; educating and teaching right values and concepts

e) a preference for educating instead of motivating sermons

2. Theological education.

3. Seeking God in worship and prayer.

II. Relationship with people
1. Communication is an understanding in relationship.
а) horizontal relations
b) accepting mistakes as a point of growth with analysis and correction. Not allowing chronic mistakes.
2. Cooperation means distributing of responsibilities according to competence, ability to agree and act harmoniously.

3. Creativity means giving a chance to alternative ideas, teaching to act like nobody ever before.
4. Critical thinking means building up curiosity, not rebellion. Growing up new sides for faith not doubt.
5. Understanding and acceptance of church discipline rules. It's a protection and blessing.

III. Growing up integral personality
1. Character formation.
2. Helping people to reveal their calling and develop talents.
3. Help to determine priorities.
4. God's peace as a guaranty of psychological wellbeing

5. Freedom in Christ as an alternative to captivity of the world.
6. Giving opportunities to adapt Jesus' teaching in actual circumstances and conditions.
7. A correct subjectity in Christ.

IV. Ministry Practice
Serving people like Jesus did:
а) healing the sick
b) casting demons
c) feeding the hungry
d) bringing gospel to sinners:
- bringing people to church personally
- church projects

Balanced in all areas personality of a Christian is our final goal.