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Sunday School

The Word of God for Future Generation
Sunday School
MInistry for Children

Sunday School was created to bring children to Christ and prepare them for ministry. Therefore, its main goals are about directing children to Jesus and teaching them truths of the Word of God. The foundation of Sunday School is love. School program is very interesting. Besides Bible lessons it includes kinds of parties, fairies with prizes, festive, watching movies, sport competitions and games for Bible study.

Important part of the children’s ministry is summer camps. Each year the camp program includes bible lessons, circles, funny contests, camp games, parties, show programs and fairy with gifts. Sunday school teachers and learners do evangelism in the city squares and surrounding countries. They prepare different performances, clowns, entertainments and games. At the same time, they share the Gospel with children. Many children joined the church due to the street evangelism. Sunday school lessons take place every Sunday during the church meetings.